Oggi presentiamo un nuovissimo spot di 60″ realizzato da Shilo da un’idea di WMIG per Under Armour.
Lo spot racconta l’evoluzione di un nuovo prodotto tecnologico, UA E39, legato all’abbigliamento tecnico-sportivo. Questo tipo di tecnologia è in grado di registrare e monitorare i paramentri e le prestazioni degli sportivi.
Il testimonial è Julio Jones, star dell’NFL ed è girato in live action e post prodotto con un design aggressivo e autentico.
Under Armour “Julio Jones: UA E39″ :60
Project Length: :60
Debut Date: 4/19/11
Film Location: Detroit, MI
More Info: underarmour.com/?e39
Client: Under Armour
Creative Director: Brian Boring
Senior Vice President – Brand: Steve Battista
Director of Men’s Brand Marketing: Brad Charron
Ideation: WMIG
Creative Director: Andre Stringer
Writers: Andre Stringer and Nathan Caswell
Associate Producer: Sheina Dao
Executive Producer: Megan Kelly
Director: Andre Stringer
Production Company: Shilo
Director of Photography: Joe Zizzo
Editor: Nathan Caswell
Assistant Editor: Hedia Maron
Storyboard Artist: Ed Tranquino
3D Artist: Maurice Caicedo
3D Tracking: Matthew Broeska
2D Animator/Compositor: Gabriel Regentin
2D Animator: Stieg Retlin
Designer: I-Ting Lee
Roto: Carlos Rosario, Akira Uchinokura, Adriana Vellejo, Leslie Chung, Djeison Canuto
Producer: Mariya Shikher
Production Coordinator: Sheina Dao
Line Producer: Jeremy Yaches
Head of Production: Julie Shevach
Executive Producer: Megan Kelly
Telecine: Company 3
Colorist: Tom Poole
Composer: Darrin Wiener
Sound Design: Echolab
Sound Designer: Gavin Little
VO Record and Final Mix: Sound Lounge
Mixer: Peter Buccellato
VO Talent: Uch Martin
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